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Welcome to Crayve!

First I want to thank everyone who stops by to visit my site, look at my work, and read this blog. I realize your time is valuable, and there are a number of other things you could be doing at this very moment. So the fact that you’re here at all is very humbling and greatly appreciated. Hopefully, you’ve read my bio and what this site and I are all about. If you haven’t; please take a moment to read my bio and what this site is and isn’t.

That said, I want to let you know what my blog will cover and why I felt the need to give the blog a name, other than…well, my blog.

What is a “Tear Sheet” and how does it relate to my blog?

The term “Tear Sheet” is used in a number of industries, from finance to the creative world.  In finance, a tear sheet is just a single-page document that is used to summarize information about a single company, multiple companies, or investments. The term “tear sheet” dates back to a time when brokers would rip a page out of a larger document set to show their clients.

For Models and Creatives, it’s pretty much the same. Before the internet, you would tear or cut pages out of a magazine or publication, to prove you’d been published. Ad Agencies would use them as proof to their clients; that their ads had been published. If you or your company happened to be the subject of a positive review or article; the publication you appear in might be gracious enough to frame tear sheets from the published article, along with a full print of the magazine or cover, and send it to you as a keepsake and proof of publication.

In the creative field, the Tear Sheet has another meaning and purpose…Inspiration. Creatives from fashion designers to visual artists have at one point or another pulled images from newspapers and magazines or off the internet and pasted them on poster board or pinned them on a corkboard for the purpose of finding inspiration and to get their creative juices flowing.

Which brings me to what this blog will be about…

My goal here is to share some of my experience and knowledge, to showcase and talk about some personal projects; in the hope that it inspires you, whether you’re a potential client or a fellow creative. At some point, I’ll talk about the gear I use and why, how I use it and on occasion, I’ll do product reviews. Given my IT background, I may also cover technology, and how to deal with Disaster Recovery, Security, and other things PC and Network related.

I also want to mention; that if at any point there’s something specific you’d like me to talk about, please feel free to reach out and let me know.

Thanks again for taking a moment to check me out and I look forward to hearing from you.



Ray Ortega




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