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Establishing An Online Business & Website: Not Rocket Science, But…

Building a website and building a brick and mortar business, both have their pros and cons. It’s like trying to decide between a comfy pair of  pajamas and a snazzy suit, both have their advantages but it depends on the occasion. Let’s dive in and compare the two. 

Just like building a physical store, building a website requires time, effort and money. You have to invest in design, content, and functionality just as you would with a brick and mortar business. However, the biggest advantage of building a website is the flexibility it offers. With a website, you can work from anywhere in the world and at any time, as long as you have an internet connection. You can even work in your pajamas or not, all day and nobody would know, no one… you know to each their own, just keep the camera off.

On the other hand, building a physical store requires you to be physically present and provides a tangible presence in a specific location. This can be a double-edged sword as it provides you with a large potential customer base, but it also means you have to cater to customers who are geographically close to you. It’s like having to put on pants, possibly a long commute, dealiing with irate drivers; who in your estimation drive much worse than you do, high blood pressure, anger management issues, and red lights that just seem to be taunting you every step of the way and you can’t drive 55 and you’re probbably going to get a ticket…but you know starbucks and donuts sound good.

Starting a business is a lot like jumping out of an airplane – you’re either all in or you’re just along for the ride. Despite its challenges, the rewards of being your own boss and building something from scratch can be incredibly fulfilling, like the feeling of jumping out of an airplane and realizing you brought a parachute and hoping to high heaven it opens. You know no pressure…


All kidding aside; for those who already have a brick and mortar business, adding a website to your arsenal can be a game changer. A website can help you reach a larger audience, increase your sales, and provide customers with a convenient way to shop from the comfort of their own homes. It’s a second store that never closes!

In terms of content, you’ll want to create high-quality, informative and relevant content that will attract and engage your target audience, just like how a house needs to be filled with furniture and decor that makes it a warm and inviting place. You also need to anticipate and address their pain points.

In terms of costs, building a website is usually cheaper than building a physical store. You don’t have to worry about rent, utility bills, and maintenance costs. However, a website requires ongoing expenses such as hosting and maintenance fees. On the other hand, a physical store requires a large upfront investment, but once you have built it, your ongoing expenses can be somewhat lower.

Another major advantage of a website is that it’s open 24/7, allowing customers to visit and make purchases at any time. This means you never have to close, and can potentially reach customers from all over the world. On the other hand, a physical store has limited operating hours and is restricted to serving only those customers who can physically visit the store. It’s like having a never-ending happy hour.

In conclusion, building a website and building a brick and mortar business both have their own unique benefits and challenges. It ultimately comes down to your personal preference, business goals, and target audience. If you want to reach a global audience and work from anywhere, a website might be the better option for you. But if you want to provide a tangible presence in a specific location, a physical store might be the way to go. And if you’re lucky enough to have both, it’s like having like being Peter Parker and Spiderman…wait, what?

Anyway, for those who already have a brick and mortar business, adding a website to your arsenal can be a huge advantage. A website can help you reach a larger audience, increase your sales, and provide customers with a convenient way to shop from the comfort of their own homes. By leveraging the power of the internet, you can expand your customer base and reach people you might not have been able to reach otherwise.

A website and a physical store, both have their place and can be successful if done right. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and choose the option that best aligns with your business goals. Whether you’re in your pajamas or your suit, building a website or a physical store, the key to success is to provide a great customer experience, deliver high-quality products or services, and continually adapt to the changing market.

In short, building a website can complement and enhance a brick and mortar business, providing a convenient and accessible way for customers to engage with your brand and purchase your products or services. So don’t be afraid to embrace the power of the internet and take your business to the next level!



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